Saturday, February 27, 2010

Women human rights

The beauty of our great nation lies not only in its "majestic purple mountains that shadow fruited plains from Sea to shining Sea," but also in the promises of our forefathers who provided all things possible to those who uphold and defend its doctrines.

In 1789 when the powerful USA Constitution was being drafted to govern these United States far sighted Men of Property included the noble obligation to care for those less fortunate with intentions to cast their honorable vote in the best interest of our country and its citizens.

Women were caught in a "time warp" of sorts in regards to voting right during this period of time in that, while they were appreciated for maintaining the home as a place of family solitude and adored for their nurturing qualities, they were also perceived as politically unenlightened.

In 1848 Suffragettes held their first "Women's Rights Convention." Twenty years later, the 14th Amendment of 1868 passed ("The Equal Protection Clause") guaranteeing that all citizens would be treated equally.

Individual States still controlled the decision of who voted in national elections other than as outlined by the 15th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution of 1870. Women were limited to voting in local elections such as school boards with only some States as Utah and Wyoming granting them the right to vote in national elections.

Women gained the right to vote in 26 States when the 19th Amendment of 1920 was ratified prohibiting both the federal government and all United States from using a person's sex as a qualification to vote. However, due to this Amendment being passed in August, some States did not have enough time to properly prepare for the increased number of voters and women were therefore refused voting privileges in those States. In 1964, the “Civil Rights Act,” also referred to as the “Voting Rights Act,” resolved lingering right to vote issues.